ingredients workshop items

Post  Post #1 
Reputation 15
Group humans Alliance Combining the Zerg and Terran 124 62 95 Points 10 500 485 Messages 31
stealth lunar base

silicate and regalite dust where to get those, ruby and sapphire i gues you get from destroying planets
if there somewhere more info let me know
24 March 2024 00:00:07
24 March 2024 00:00:07
Post  Post #2 
Reputation 3
Group humans Alliance DragonTalz 95 36 59 Points 2 850 847 Messages 24
You get silicate from destroying moons and regalite from destroying cold asteroids (temps must be below zero). Check the catalogue for that info. I think all the new crafting stuff explains where to find it.
24 March 2024 05:03:42
24 March 2024 05:03:42
Post  Post #3 
Reputation 1
Group xerj Alliance Combining the Zerg and Terran 62 21 37 Points 2 508 978 Messages 2
last thing can bleuprints also be stolen in a attack planet?
24 March 2024 19:51:34
24 March 2024 19:51:34


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