
The Bugs forum thread is not just for reporting bugs to the administration. It is intended to solve technical problems encountered in the game. Before creating a topic, you should check to see if there is a topic with the bug that you want to report. In order to report bugs or glitches, you can create a new thread instead of writing in the existing threads. Topics with the title Bug, Glitch will not be considered. Try to put a brief description of your problem in the title of the topic. If the problem described above occurred on another account, be sure to specify the account where it occurred.
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i wish i could have seen this game back in its prime when it first came out. from what i hear from players and see on forums. the game was so much more fun and not constantly changed for the worse. now the whole game is a bug that needs to be fixed. if you are trying to force people to quit by messing up the game just so you dont have to give the big players real money then just change that part of the game. stop ruining a good game for your personal reasons. i give you money to make this game better. not to turn into a giant bug that your going to say thats not a bug its part of the game and no its not it never was till you made another bad decision. if you dont want my money fine im done giving it to you till you fix this bug and im talking about YOUR bad choices! 

i was asked by a friend to give examples so

1) you turned all the planets into a tie-die t-shirt. the 60's is over so put the acid down. "hey man the colors are swirling. dude i think the was are breathing"

2) your raising the prices so high that its impossible to unlock everything in the game unless your a million air. "i can understand a small price hike once a year or something but every month is stupid is there a end will you ever stop raising the price or are you going to turn this into a game where no one will donate money?"

3) you increase the buildings size and i'm telling you some planets are not designed to have buildings that big "if i wanted to play where's waldo to find my buildings or let alone the free resources i would pull out a picture book"

4) you decreased the power you get so much that its impossible to have a army as xerj let alone to keep your resource buildings going.

5) the biggest bug of all is you are ignoring the people who give you money and keep this game going. it is almost as if you want to destroy the game wait not almost you are. if you don't want the game just sell it to someone who will actually take care of the game and make it better.

i know for a lot of you out there i didn't even touch half of the issues you are having but the underlined FACT is this game is a poor shadow of its self and what it once was and i haven't even been here for a year. SO FIX THESE BUG'S IT'S WHAT I PAY YOU FOR!!!
2 Октября 2018 17:07:32
2 Октября 2018 17:07:32
Сообщение  Сообщение #2 
Репутация 347
Группа Terminator 177 32 50 Сообщений 5204
It ia not a bug.
3 Октября 2018 07:12:51
3 Октября 2018 07:12:51


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