Besides x craft I play a few more games, One of them is WoT Blitz, Can you take into consideration to take few Tips from them about Special Offers and Prices, Some more Bonuses and little Lower prices so we can be able to buy stuff here. The bonus of 3x for a few hours by Ymnik was nice but short. I do understand Server cost and not a little but taking down Vacation mode from 1000 HC to 100 will be nice a special in these Times of War in UA and many people who want to come back in the game will now lose everything because was not able to keep the account, Admins, I understand your need for profit, but this is not the way, I am in Marketing over 18 Years and Working as Reception Manager in 5 Star Hotel in Eilat and how you do your Offers and Special prices are just losing profit, Maybe consulting with Professionals will make you change your mind and different approach. Realistically speaking 1000 $ to get one officer to play the game is not real by any means, maybe will buy a few people but there is no profit from a few but many, and it is just a game, never forget that. To make 1000 $ you have to work hard for many hours (days, weeks depending on where you are from) can you imagine how many people can do that in Russia? Is that a market you want? No profit in that, believe me from experience. Thank you