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Non FAS units not fighting or dying?

Сообщение  Сообщение #1 
Группа guest
I raided a planet that showed the following fleet.

Non FAS units not fighting or dying?

According to their descriptions, droids cannot be covered by FAS and the picture from probe shows they are NOT under FAS.

Non FAS units not fighting or dying?

When I sent a fleet of ships to raid the planet thinking I would have those three sets of droids to kill NOTHING happened from them.  I.E.  It was a no resistance *win*

I probed the planet again after my attack and confirmed they are ALL still there. The player was and still is inactive status.

This must be a BUG since they are NOT under FAS, and they did not fight at all!  I had sent ships on harvest to arrive after the battle anticipating debris from killing all of the droids not under FAS.

This was a HUGE waste of time and gas to go there.

Why are these not in fight and being destroyed when raided, when they are NOT covered under FAS as their description and the espionage probe shows?

This is a serious balance issue is these non-FAS units can survive battles, when all other non-FAS units are destroyed if a battle is lost during a planet raid.

27 Декабря 2016 01:26:42
27 Декабря 2016 01:26:42
Сообщение  Сообщение #2 
Группа guest
sorry to ruin your parade droids are not covered by fas but from their respective nexus
27 Декабря 2016 01:46:18
27 Декабря 2016 01:46:18
Сообщение  Сообщение #3 
Группа guest
Banished-Conclave - sorry to ruin your parade droids are not covered by fas but from their respective nexus

What do you mean by respective nexus?

Is that some other sort of protection other races in the game do not have?  Which would unbalance the FAS system in the game as it is what is used to cover all races? as FAS is shown on the probe shot there.

Non-FAS = is not covered and defends when planet is attacked, and can be destroyed if battle is lost.

FAS= not included in battle when planet is raided, safe from destruction.

So I am not sure what you are referring to there.

IF there is some TOSS specific thing that protects the droids from being destroyed when planet is attacked, the probe report should SHOW FAS on them, so other players know they will not defend planet or be in battle if planet is attacked.  Regardless if it is called something else specific for TOSS. The probe report should show FAS for them, so players don't send a fleet to destroy them and also to harvest debris from them. Wasting, a lot of time, and gas in game...

TOSS are very few in the game due to the method and monetary means to obtain their key code...  The probe report inaccuracy (if that is the case here) is a serious bug and needs to be corrected.  Easily done by adding the "Under FAS" for droids if they are protected by any means.  To avoid confusion and waste of time and resources by others who are not aware of this.
27 Декабря 2016 02:09:07
27 Декабря 2016 02:09:07
Сообщение  Сообщение #4 
Группа guest
cause words are not enough and i m bored
27 Декабря 2016 02:23:17
27 Декабря 2016 02:23:17
Сообщение  Сообщение #5 
Группа guest
Banished-Conclave - cause words are not enough and i m bored

Thank you for that clarification! That says it all right there and confirms it is a BUG!

Each race has their own FAS method(s)...

Terran = Hangar
Xerj = Shelter Evolution
Toss = (?) , and the picture you posted there.

If that method "HIDES" drones, that is a version of FAS(Fleet Autosave System), basically sheltering units from attack during a planet raid. The "hidden" drones are in essence under FAS, and the probe reports show state UNDER FAS for them, if the person has enough level of that "hidden ability" to cover them.

ALL units for other races show XX amount under FAS  or XX+XXX under FAS. There should be no difference for TOSS.  That is essentially a method of FAS and should be reflected in probe reports...

EDIT! -- Either show them under FAS like other units, or do NOT show them on the probe report at all if they are truly "hidden" as the description shows in the picture for there protection.  Only show in the probe report any droids NOT "hidden" from the method in the picture Banished-Conclave posted.  That would make more sense and correct the issue! :D

So this is a BUG and should be corrected please! :)

Thank you
27 Декабря 2016 03:34:21
27 Декабря 2016 03:34:21
Сообщение  Сообщение #6 
Репутация 339
Группа Terminator 176 32 50 Сообщений 5196
Nexuses can cover only droids and its are not the part of FAS. It is not a bug.
27 Декабря 2016 07:45:32
27 Декабря 2016 07:45:32


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