Fight against spam attacks, alliance bank

Сообщение  Сообщение #1 
Репутация 339
Группа Terminator 176 32 50 Сообщений 5197
Battle system was changed to resist spam attacks and "reconnaissance in force" :
1) Attack power of potential opponents is evaluated before initiating the battle and if attack power is much more then score of attacking fleet it is destroyed without battle and without generating of debris.
2) Weak fleet, which enters the battle, not extends it to 12 rounds as earlier.
3) First move of the manual control now is available only after first round. This will reduce effect of the manual control on the outcome of battle.
So, now fleets which entered battle with not fighting purposes, but for the purpose to make the battle longer could do that anymore.

Alliance bank cost was reduced by a quarter, but the level of collected taxes and tribute is based on a half of bank’s level now. This means that for collecting 4% tax we required  bank of 8th level.

Alliance bank shield was reduced by half, from 500 000 to 250 000.
1 Декабря 2016 19:41:35
1 Декабря 2016 19:41:35
Сообщение  Сообщение #2 
Группа guest
not fair! one way so see what a player has is to attack with one ship you have now ballzed this up why
and we can not conroll the battle for one round stupid
plus if some one want to attack and loose why should i not get the debris
1 Декабря 2016 19:53:59
1 Декабря 2016 19:53:59
Сообщение  Сообщение #3 
Группа guest
could you put few freaking examples?
1 Декабря 2016 20:09:16
1 Декабря 2016 20:09:16
Сообщение  Сообщение #4 
Репутация 26
Группа humans Альянс United Nations 36 18 34 Очков 1 826 116 Сообщений 66

I can understand (and maybe even support) the notion of having the "spam" attacks not available or not extending the battle. But what constitutes "attack power much more than attacking fleet"?

As you know, that is frequently how moons are formed, by having alliance members or friends crash their fleet into a strong planet defense. Does this mean that we can no longer form moons this way?

Please give more detail as to what "much more" really means.

1 Декабря 2016 20:19:16
1 Декабря 2016 20:19:16
Сообщение  Сообщение #5 
Репутация 339
Группа Terminator 176 32 50 Сообщений 5197
If an attacking fleet includes 100 points or more, then this fight will take place for sure.
1 Декабря 2016 21:37:27
1 Декабря 2016 21:37:27
Сообщение  Сообщение #6 
Репутация 10
Группа humans 9 2 8 Сообщений 41
why reducing the alliance bank shield? this again is unfair. It will give the big Alliances a easier time destroying the banks of smaller alliances. This is just again supporting the big players and giving smaller players a hard time. INCREASE the shield! Make it easier to survive playing this game without being eaten by bigger players!
1 Декабря 2016 22:54:19
1 Декабря 2016 22:54:19


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