News from balance editor

Сообщение  Сообщение #1 
Репутация 343
Группа Terminator 177 32 50 Сообщений 5203
Balance editor Shakur666 reported:

1) The FAS protection of Protector will be reduced from 900 per level to 750 per level

2) Entering defense on asteroids, where planetary defense, flaming worms and obelisks will be impossible to build.

When capturing an asteroid defense will be restored on the basis of % of its recovery.

If  asteroid was left, it is planned that it will become a pirate’s (no newbie protection), in order not to transmit asteroids with defense without loss. If there are any resources on asteroid,  they  will be deleted when recapture.

More detailed information about the changes will be next week.
23 Октября 2016 18:24:47
23 Октября 2016 18:24:47
Сообщение  Сообщение #2 
Группа guest
dirty rotten stealing theives again!
i paid real money for my protectors and for a second time you reduce the cover of what i paid for!
23 Октября 2016 19:38:38
23 Октября 2016 19:38:38
Сообщение  Сообщение #3 
Репутация 10
Группа humans 9 2 8 Сообщений 41
there should be percental repay of HC to those who had already gotten the Protector Officer imo. (myself I haven't got one yet lmao :D )

also it doesn't makes much sense that existing resources get completely "deleted" upon capture. IMO there should be just a partial loss of resources. like so and so many percent. 
23 Октября 2016 20:45:33
23 Октября 2016 20:45:33
Сообщение  Сообщение #4 
Группа guest
truly now? Xerjs have hard time as it is with FAS? Cant it be lowered for other races but not Xerhs?
23 Октября 2016 20:49:37
23 Октября 2016 20:49:37
Сообщение  Сообщение #5 
Группа guest
So again!! ;(:(

Firstly, you increase the HC price for PROTECTOR Officer from 50 HC to 100 without any compensation!
Second, you reduce the protection rate once from 1,000 ship poits to 900 ship points without any compensation!
And now, reduce the protection rate again from 900 ship points to 750 ship points without any compensation!
For me it is you offer a service for money and do not keep what you promise! Clear break of contract!

Remember the last big big BALLANCE where you failed miserably from March 23 to 26, 2016 and the roll-back on March 27, 2016!

Trust me this time, I will contact PayPal and demand all my money back because of you fraud!
And I hope a lot of other Players will do the same !!!!

Best Regards from a deceived player
24 Октября 2016 09:38:33
24 Октября 2016 09:38:33
Сообщение  Сообщение #6 
Группа guest
So again!! ;(:(

Firstly, you increase the HC price for PROTECTOR Officer from 50 HC to 100 without any compensation!
Second, you reduce the protection rate once from 1,000 ship poits to 900 ship points without any compensation!
And now, reduce the protection rate again from 900 ship points to 750 ship points without any compensation!
For me it is you offer a service for money and do not keep what you promise! Clear break of contract!

Remember the last big big BALLANCE where you failed miserably from March 23 to 26, 2016 and the roll-back on March 27, 2016!

Trust me this time, I will contact PayPal and demand all my money back because of you fraud!
And I hope a lot of other Players will do the same !!!!

Best Regards from a deceived player
24 Октября 2016 09:40:44
24 Октября 2016 09:40:44
Сообщение  Сообщение #7 
Группа guest
they redyce the  techs ok they remove the retreat option ok but oficers they shouldnt touch since for those ppl pay money to get specialy to lvl 20 and some even order x5 well the later wont hapen that easily now cause the price went to hell if you ask me but why should you remove the protectors fas by another 150 points per lvl you reduced allot what we shouldnt own ships and just watch the big guns fly around and just droooll and dream owning those fleets?
24 Октября 2016 11:51:14
24 Октября 2016 11:51:14
Сообщение  Сообщение #8 
Репутация 26
Группа humans Альянс United Nations 36 18 34 Очков 1 550 496 Сообщений 66
OK, so once again the developers have seen fit to make it harder for us to protect our fleets... all in the name of "balance".

Can someone, ANYONE, provide a REASONABLY SANE explanation as to how this improves balance in a game where the "big guns" have so much fleet that they don't think about FAS anyway? WHY is it that the developers seem so intent on making it hard to protect our ships?

Rather than complain, however, how about this. I spent 2000 HC to get Protector level 20. In the course of time since then, they reduced his FAS capacity first to 900 points per lvl, and now to 750 points per level. That represents a 25% drop in FAS capacity. Accordingly, how about giving me my 500 HC back, then? (25% of 2000)
24 Октября 2016 21:04:18
24 Октября 2016 21:04:18
Сообщение  Сообщение #9 
Репутация 0
Группа humans 20 8 15 Сообщений 115
Again with the robbery, you guys surely know how to make your customers angry...
24 Октября 2016 22:03:43
24 Октября 2016 22:03:43
Сообщение  Сообщение #10 
Группа guest
this is why i have zero protector on toss account!
i bought full protector on my terran and zerj under a agreement of what i was getting and the cover received, but then they cut it.
so why would i now purchase anything from a known thief?!
24 Октября 2016 22:35:30
24 Октября 2016 22:35:30
Сообщение  Сообщение #11 
Группа guest
simple they are thiefs and the new balanse master only wants to increase hes alliance hit targets
24 Октября 2016 22:43:11
24 Октября 2016 22:43:11
Сообщение  Сообщение #12 
Группа guest
Start thingking stupid one and stop drinking tooo much wodgar!!!!

Why anybudy shoud buy HC for real money?
Buy some fleet at bestary, can´t be protected under FAS, NO!
Buy more resources to build fleet, can´t be protected under FAS, NO!
Buy x5 PROTECTOR for what, next day level will be lower, NO!
Result for me , it makes no sens to buy any HC, I can´t use it!
No buy for HC, Developer get no real money, loose!
A lot of players get there real money back over PayPal, Developer loose!
In sume a perfect BALANCE, everone loose, a realy good onlinegame goes kill about stupid drunken kids has no idea how the real world works!
You will kill your self 100% like you did it in march this year!
I know about the descusions in the russian chat, nobody (incuding your own people) like the way how you´re acting, start to become an adult and do not act like a little childs!

Best Regards from a deceived player
25 Октября 2016 01:04:13
25 Октября 2016 01:04:13
Сообщение  Сообщение #13 
Группа guest
exactlly if you bought a loaf of bread and after you paid the agreed amount the till assistand came down the road after you and said our prices have changed, when need 1/4 of that bread back, and took it from you, you would report them for stealing and never use the shop again!
unless it was the only shop around and you had no chioce!
so maybe the developers feel this is the only game of this exact kind! so we can screew the players as much as we like because there is no other place for them to go!!!!!???
25 Октября 2016 14:56:54
25 Октября 2016 14:56:54
Сообщение  Сообщение #14 
Группа guest
st/chichen quote
so maybe the developers feel this is the only game of this exact kind! so we can screew the players as much as we like because there is no other place for them to go!!!!!???

you could very well be right BUT we can chose to continue playing the game and spend no money just play with the basics! thats what my toss acount is doing i refuse to spend any money (well any more it cost a bit for the key)
25 Октября 2016 15:01:51
25 Октября 2016 15:01:51
Сообщение  Сообщение #15 
Группа guest
let the game balancer pay the guys who own this game for all i care
25 Октября 2016 20:25:51
25 Октября 2016 20:25:51
Сообщение  Сообщение #16 
Репутация 0
Группа humans 20 8 15 Сообщений 115
The answer is simple, guys... the money that you save to buy HC, spend it in another game, or something else. For me is for my previous game, Shaiya... I need some runes and buy some linking hammers.
25 Октября 2016 20:47:12
25 Октября 2016 20:47:12
Сообщение  Сообщение #17 
Группа guest
seriously you are a felow shaya player hahahah i have another guy from that game here aswell
25 Октября 2016 20:47:55
25 Октября 2016 20:47:55
Сообщение  Сообщение #18 
Репутация 0
Группа humans 20 8 15 Сообщений 115
Yep, Server Apo, Light
25 Октября 2016 20:49:31
25 Октября 2016 20:49:31
Сообщение  Сообщение #19 
Группа guest
ohh i was dark i belive thats were the orcs were lol
25 Октября 2016 20:51:12
25 Октября 2016 20:51:12
Сообщение  Сообщение #20 
Группа guest
 only solution is that we write all the requirements Xsolla for a refund, I guess we only way damn Vasya sent to the grave
25 Октября 2016 23:35:43
25 Октября 2016 23:35:43


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