So I just want to get everything right, I buy lots of crystals from game so I can buy cool things from bestiary. I buy lots and lots of those cool things from bestiary from, who I thought, a cool guy. You find out guy is not so cool and with a lot of bad people so you politely thank and tell dude you just can't buy any more. Now not so cool dude has receipts for where, when, and how much cool things you have and then wipes.
Why the f*** do you even need to know the name of who bought the stuff? let alone right where it is going!? It is so cool when games have "player" market (even though it is taxed, monitored, and limited lol) but when you can be extorted thru the market (not in this situation) I think we have some major problems. I think this needs to be changed and sales anonymous. The likely-hood of that is very slim so I am warning new players, do not buy things off the bestiary from people you do not know