when I first started playing this game I thought the battles would work in a different way.
I want to give an example of what exactly I mean.
Let's take pancors as example. They will give a great view on what I mean.
In the pancor's description you see this:
http://prntscr.com/k57j8hWhen started playing I thought it would mean this: A magazine reload will be made every 10 seconds. But within the 10 seconds between magazine changes the pancor will shoot out 36 shots divided onto the 10 seconds. which would mean 1 shot fired every 0.27777777777777777777777777777778 seconds. so roughly 3.5 per second.
This turns out to be wrong. Instead of what I wrote the pancor shoots only 1 time per 10 seconds releasing 36 shots at once. This is kinda unrealistic because it would mean the pancor shoots out instantly his complete magazine. All units work like a musket instead of like more like a machine gun which I would've expected for the pancor. I expected the pancor to be more machine-gun like since it has more than 1 shot per volley. For units with only 1 shot per volley everything's fine and they work like you would expect. But for the pancor I would've expected a permanent firing machine gun like behaviour.
I'm pretty sure I am not alone with my assumption and I think battles would be much more interesting when it would work like I described.
Please carefully think about this because this is not only a complaint it's also a little of a new idea to switch a small part of the combat behaviour.