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Группа guest
Chapter I: Pirates

Pirates are bot's accounts of each race. Their fleets spawn regularly on empty coordinates.
Good to know:
⚫Pirates appear in arms [1-50] and [880-920]
⚫You will get only 1% of experience for destroyed pirate ships.
⚫Pirate's sheeps, like any other fleet, will become debris after you'll destroy it at the rate of 30% iron and 30% of the total value of minerals fleet. Vespen gas doesnt become debris.

⚫There is 2 main ways to recycle debris made of pirates:
1) Send your battle sheeps with Recyclers to the coordinates with pirate's fleet with mission Harvest. If you will win the battle and Recyclers will stay alive then your fleet will start recycling debris.
Using this scheme you will loose RAID-points.
2) Send your battle sheeps to attack pirate and just after in send recyclers. Make sure, that you recycler will arrive after the end of the battle.

About Recycling (from the description of units)

Pirate's tech:

Zergs: 12 Weaponry Technology, 12 Carapace Evolution, 12 Armor Evolution, 10 regeneration, 10 metal spikes evolution
Terrans: 12 weapons technology 12 shielding technology, armour technology 12, 12 armor, 12 laser technology, 8 ion technology;
Tosses: 12 shielding technology, armour technology 12, 10 Charging device improvement, 12 quantum weapons, 12 gravitation weapons, 12 ANTI-MATTER WEAPONS;
Some of them has battle medals. So add in Simulator them 2nd lvl of Admiral.
Wild_swarm_Gishu and Dread_pirate_Roberts: all teches of these both pirates are 0.
Pirates always stand on the coordinates for 6 hours .
How to find out when he has appeared:
1) Send any ship to attack the pirate
2) Pirate fleet will appear in "Enemy fleets" tab under resource bar
3) Click on the Hold icon (fist on orange background) and look for "will reach its target" line in the popup window.
or look the scheme below


Time of fleet spawn for each account:

Banished_Telsadus 00:00--->06:00--->12:00--->18:00--->00:00
Banished_Orakis 00:00--->06:00--->12:00--->18:00--->00:00
Banished_Zandarnis 03:00--->09:00--->15:00--->21:00--->03:00
Banished_Rasdasiar 03:00--->09:00--->15:00--->21:00--->03:00

Dread_pirate_Xyao 01:00--->07:00--->13:00--->19:00---> 01:00
Dread_pirate_Roberts 01:00--->07:00--->13:00--->19:00---> 01:00
Dread_pirate_Lucky 04:00--->010:00--->16:00--->22:00--->04:00
Dread_pirate_T-800 04:00--->010:00--->16:00--->22:00--->04:00

Wild_swarm_Khronos 02:00--->08:00--->14:00--->20:00--->02:00
Wild_swarm_Gishu 02:00--->08:00--->14:00--->20:00--->02:00
Wild_swarm_Atlackama 05:00--->011:00--->17:00--->23:00--->05:00
Wild_swarm_Marduk 05:00--->011:00--->17:00--->23:00--->05:00

*Server time

SHARE yout attack ! on your own fear and risk
Spreading takes about 2 minutes.
If you see any faults in this text – contact me or write in comments.
24 Марта 2015 22:03:17
24 Марта 2015 22:03:17
Группа guest
Choose your planet.
Explore your planet:
Chek it's Diameter, Temperature, Type (climate and lanscape), Position, Fields in the Overview tab


Type (climate and lanscape)


Лунопопытки|Луны|Сушки Not translated yet


FAQ: Not translated yet

If you see any faults in this text - contact me, please.
I still work with it.
24 Марта 2015 23:15:47
24 Марта 2015 23:15:47
Группа guest
Thanks for the guides
Please keep them coming
29 Марта 2015 17:10:49
29 Марта 2015 17:10:49
Группа guest
Kiton, thnx

it requires some time to translate as correct as possible.
I need to have free time and inspiration to work with it.
29 Марта 2015 20:30:36
29 Марта 2015 20:30:36
Группа guest
Yee all this is truth so how about Attacking week people , like you do Cap , attacking people 7 or even 8 times weak than you are , is that not a bug ? or how is this possible ? A specially expert like your self , attaking ?
31 Марта 2015 20:58:27
31 Марта 2015 20:58:27
Группа guest
Quote: DjSoulJammer
attacking people 7 or even 8 times weak than you are , is that not a bug ?

No, it's not a bug.

Quote: DjSoulJammer
A specially expert like your self , attaking ?

This is a war strategy. It is your duty to protect your resources from being stolen, not his.
1 Апреля 2015 00:59:28
1 Апреля 2015 00:59:28
Группа guest
i think you are missing something in your ... ??? whatever
what stealing has to do with war? stealing is and allways will be - STEALING ...
1 Апреля 2015 17:40:29
1 Апреля 2015 17:40:29
Группа guest
Quote: NanoField
what stealing has to do with war?

You may be right. I think I should have used word 'loot' instead.
1 Апреля 2015 18:03:25
1 Апреля 2015 18:03:25
Группа guest
Quote: DjSoulJammer
Attacking week people , like you do Cap

If you have 25k stat points and less - you can attack or to be attacked by players x5 less or more stat points.

After 25k - its x10

After 1kk - no protection. (ex: for 1kk players its from 100k and up to infinity)
litle war
1. http://xcraft.net/battle/index.php?battle_id=2c98af4afdd380452ce51db31cabac6e

2. http://xcraft.net/battle/index.php?battle_id=2a50a565f7b15bd7b3f4c30817b054b3

3. http://xcraft.net/battle/index.php?battle_id=f929923a8f20072d5cb4e73fa1b8e71d

to be cotinued :lol:
15 Апреля 2015 16:41:39
15 Апреля 2015 16:41:39
Группа guest
War strategy or not , if you deside to Attack weak player and take on hem will be hes night mare and not a game , i do understand there is problem with them and maybe can be corected ,but as you know , will stay , nothing will change , we need players so this game can go on and there will be always some who will do it on weak .I know here, so many players left game and they are Off line bacuse of that , But its not my to deside or judge .What i mean is little Fer play , if some one is weaker than i do i will never attack hem , unfortunetlly in some case i did do damage to other player chase the Pirates , even i have no attantion of doing that.But this is me, who am I as person , not only in game but in real is well .

BTW i have to say:" Cap " here explain all very good and this do help others ,so i give hem credit for that a good one .
15 Апреля 2015 23:00:28
15 Апреля 2015 23:00:28
Группа guest
Quote: DjSoulJammer
if some one is weaker than i do i will never attack hem

You cant defeat stronger fleet then yours one. Thats simply impossible.

You must to kill weak players to grow up and destroy another players who has become weaker than you.
15 Апреля 2015 23:08:01
15 Апреля 2015 23:08:01
Группа guest
i understand that to , always will be weaker and stronger but not to far from you , that is what i ment .
15 Апреля 2015 23:10:27
15 Апреля 2015 23:10:27
Группа guest


2 Мая 2015 17:37:30
2 Мая 2015 17:37:30
Группа guest
2 Мая 2015 17:39:56
2 Мая 2015 17:39:56
Группа guest
2 Мая 2015 17:41:54
2 Мая 2015 17:41:54
Группа guest
2 Мая 2015 17:47:16
2 Мая 2015 17:47:16
Группа guest
2 Мая 2015 17:49:44
2 Мая 2015 17:49:44
Группа guest
Было бы неплохо закрепить темку на форуме.
Ну и вообще доработать местный форум.

Up :laughing:
3 Июня 2015 20:05:53
3 Июня 2015 20:05:53
Группа guest
quick wuestion.
if you cočonize a small colony and leave it, does it change in value if you decide to colonize the same spot again?

dont wanna lose colony ships on a ''try'' XD
4 Июня 2015 19:36:28
4 Июня 2015 19:36:28
Группа guest
Diameter, Temperature, Type (climate and lanscape) are fixed to planet and never change.

Number of fields (places fo building) isn't fixed.
If you leave planets and recolonize it again - this Number will be different each time.


No. of fiealds is marked with yellow on this screenshot.

No. of fields do not depend of Diameter or some other planet's properties.
4 Июня 2015 22:11:04
4 Июня 2015 22:11:04


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