Сообщения пользователя: Victoria

Тема: Skin of Tosses. We need expert opinion of the players - a survey, | 7 Февраля 2018 08:50:41
Сообщение #370
Since there are already a lot of options, we need your help to make a decision in choosing the development path of the TOSS skin.
I would like to listen to the preferences of players.
Below there are 2 main options.

1. Classical.
It is built on the basis of the current pocoloptiv with the use of colors from the old Toss realistic.

2. New.
Base the same - popoloptiv. But the approach is different. The "glass interface" looks more modern. But the layout is still at the level of search for shapes and colors. In the spoiler you can see the color variations.

P.S. Xerj’s will be the next.
Тема: Sensor Phalanx | 6 Февраля 2018 09:53:46
Сообщение #369
Sensor Phalanx was changed.
The cost of the first level is reduced from 40,000 / 20,000 / 20,000 to 20,000 / 10,000 / 10,000.
The coefficient of appreciation is reduced from 2 to 1.5

Death star speed is increased from 6/12 to 10/20.
The speed of the supernova star is increased from 8/16 to 12/25.

The speed increment for all the flagships and pirate ships come soon.

The Space Wanderer is changed. Its price is  reduced from 7,000,000 / 3,000,000 / 3,500,000 to 6,000,000 / 3,000,000 / 3,250,000 and its speed on the battlefield is increased by 10% from 250 to 275.
Тема: Looting limit were set to zero and production was corrected | 29 Января 2018 08:52:06
Сообщение #368
Due to the abolition of bonus production and its reduction, the looting limit and the limit on the transfer of resources were set to zero, since the limits were calculated on the basis of the old production.

The gas production by Extractor and Assimilator is reduced by about a third in order to maintain resource balance 4:2:1 in the sector.

The production of metal by the Rectification tunnel of xerjs from
+ 6 * level * 1.09 in power of level
+ 8 * level * 1.09 in power of level

Bonuses of Superstation were increased 2.5 times per level to:
+ 50% beam power
+ 50% teleportation range
+ 50% gravitational field multiplicative
-50% time between jumps per level.

The cost of the Gas Lake was reduced by 10 times.
The cost of Landslide was reduced too.
Тема: The chance of collision of satellites is reduced | 26 Января 2018 13:42:59
Сообщение #367
The chance of collision of satellites is dramatically reduced by the formula proposed by the Supreme Council.

Previously, the collision probability was 100 - [the square of the satellites in orbit].
Now the chance of collision is 10 * [number of satellites in orbit] / (10 - [number of satellites available in the orbit])%.

The attack for scavengers and mudkips per shot was reduced by 1.
Тема: Fuel costs of Cruisers, DS and SNS are reduced | 26 Января 2018 13:34:54
Сообщение #366
Fuel costs of Cruisers are reduced from 70 to 60.
Fuel costs of the Death Star and Supernova Stars are reduced by 50%.
The fuel consumption of the Jouanns is reduced by one third.
The fuel costs of the Space Wanderer are reduced.
Тема: Superstation | 26 Января 2018 07:49:29
Сообщение #365

At the space station, you can build a docking station. This docking station permits the construction of the Gate and space station turns into a superstation.

Brief description of the capabilities of space stations:
Space station - allows you to teleport the station.
- Teleportation takes place instantly.
- Teleport all the fleets and the defense that are on the station (all that hung in the defense is NOT teleported)
- Distance of teleportation 1000 * level of space station
- Waiting period between jumps (cool down) = 7 days / station level
- Cost of teleportation = 1k / station level + 1hc
- When teleporting, the station may encounter one of the satellites
Gravity Gun - shoots on the target with gravitational beam.
- Shoots around the planet, an asteroid or other satellites at their own coordinates
- Deals damage to the gravity field (and shields for stations)
- The beam must be sent to the target (it can destroy its object)
- If the satellite is behind the planet, it is impossible to get into the satellite
- Damage = 10 * Gravity Gun level + 10% for each level of the officer Raider and + 1% for each level of officer Pirate multiplicative.
- The number of rounds per minute is equal to the level of the Gravity Technology (for zero and first levels, the period = 1 time per minute)
- For shots you need energy 1000 * level of gravity gun
- Consumes 1 gas per shot
- If there is a shortage of energy or gas - it turns off
- Shoots offline and continues to shoot after the demolition of the object
- When the gravity value of the target becomes 0, then the object is destroyed according to the rules of the PD
Тема: Fuel costs of the service fleet are reduced | 26 Января 2018 07:41:26
Сообщение #364
Due to the increase in fuel costs of the service fleet after 2014, it turned out that they were increased 2 times so we reduced fuel costs of the service fleet after recalculation.

Large cargo - from 10 to 5
Small cargo - from 2 to 1
Recycler - from 40 to 30
Overlord - from 5/10 to 4/8
Provider - from 10/20 to 5/10

For some Toss’ units fuel costs were also reduced
Тема: Second of Tosses and new bonuses Mantrid | 23 Января 2018 19:42:30
Сообщение #363
A new lunar building of Tosses Second is introduced.

We continue to give new bonuses as compensation for old officers.
Mantrid improves the destruction of moons and objects from now on for all units of xerjs, and not just for Gigashadows.
Mantrid has the ability to increase by 10% per level the gravitational field of all xerjs static objects: planets, moons, entities, asteroids and others.

The Tower of Babel was introduced.

Characteristics: ray power x10, teleportation range x10, free flights, cd / 10, impossibility of collision, possibility to build simultaneously Gate, Phalanx, Space station and Gravity Gun.

Auxin of xerjs has risen in price by 25% and does not require technology for pumping any more.

Officially started the contest "Player of the Year 2018".
Тема: Fighter and Stealth fuel consumption are reduced | 22 Января 2018 17:14:19
Сообщение #362
Fuel costs of fighters are reduced by one third, from 3 to 2 units of gas.

Stealth fuel costs are reduced from 12 to 10.
Тема: Fuel consumption and production | 22 Января 2018 07:43:28
Сообщение #361
Fleet behavior on the coordinates was improved. If your fleet on the coordinates was attacked by the enemy fleet, then you continue to see the fleets flying to the coordinates during the battle, and the attacker does not. After the battle, the fleets that are flying to coordinates will be the one who will remain on the coordinates.

Jump Gate received 1 000 000 gravity  field per level.

The range of the Sensor Phalanx now increases by the Emperor by 10% for each level.
The ultimatum asked to give  radius 500 instead of 100 for the level, we gave if the full Emperor - 400. I think it's still a move towards the players and the respect of donators. We do not consider the strategy when one player with a phalanx is watching the farm properly. We believe that it is more interesting to make mobile phalanges, to teleport closer to the enemies and there to catch their fleet.
Тема: Fuel consumption and production | 19 Января 2018 13:59:30
Сообщение #360
The fuel costs of the entire fleet are doubled, some ships more than 2 times.

The production of basic manufacturing structures has been reduced by about a third.

Bonus production was early canceled.

Various models of stations with a gun and without were introduced. Now they will be visible in the galaxy.

The Jump Gate was activated.

By numerous requests, we are preparing super stations on which it will be possible to have both the Space Station and the Gate and the Sensor Phalanx and the Gravitational Gun.

The diameter of the planets was changed: now the planet can be from 5000 to 30 000 ckm.
The diameters of the created moons have been changed. The moon can now be from 100 to 999 km.
Old planets and moons do not touch.

Fleet behavior on the coordinates was improved. If your fleet on the coordinates was attacked by the enemy fleet, then you continue to see the fleets flying to the coordinates during the battle, and the attacker does not. After the battle, the fleets that are flying to coordinates will be the one who will remain on the coordinates.

Jump Gate received 1 000 000 gravity  field per level.

The range of the Sensor Phalanx now increases by the Emperor by 10% for each level.
The ultimatum asked to give  radius 500 instead of 100 for the level, we gave if the full Emperor - 400. I think it's still a move towards the players and the respect of donators. We do not consider the strategy when one player with a phalanx is watching the farm properly. We believe that it is more interesting to make mobile phalanges, to teleport closer to the enemies and there to catch their fleet.
Тема: The warm up time is reduced by 6 times | 5 Января 2018 10:25:24
Сообщение #359
The warm up time for all units is reduced by 6 times because now it is counted in seconds, not in minutes.

The old warm up formula
100 / root of the speed of minutes.

The new warm up formula
1000 / root of the speed in seconds.

Most of the flights will be seriously accelerated, and players will be able to use the exit from the battle before the end more often without fear of slow warm up.

Attention! The change has been canceled. Instead, the retreat speed of units from the battle will be reduced by 10 times from the time of warm up.
Тема: бой оборона как по учебнику | 4 Января 2018 09:33:56
Сообщение #358
Плети невидимы только на координатах, но не в обороне планеты.
Тема: Space stations and general destruction of objects | 4 Января 2018 09:21:06
Сообщение #357
The speeds of the following units are increased:
Death Star
from 4/5 to 6/8

Supernova star
from 5/6 to 8/10

from 100 to 110

from 15 to 20, the period between attacks is increased by 50%, the period of the volley of the special attack "acid spores" is reduced by 50%.

The cost of a nuclear missile is increased 5 times.

The fuel costs of the Mutalisks are increased from 6 to 8.

Fuel consumption of Stealth is increased from 6 to 7.

Tribunal was cut. New formula for the radius (in ckm) of tribunal's activity is 1000 * level instead of level * 10 000 + 1000
Тема: Space stations and general destruction of objects | 3 Января 2018 22:29:12
Сообщение #356

From now on, in Xcarft, Terrans have their own "Insect Entity" and anyone can build a teleportable space station. At the station, you can build a Gravity gun to destroy static objects: moons, asteroids, comets and even planets.

The Teleportation gate and Phalanx can no longer be built on one moon and can not be destroyed. Work on changing the moon is still going on. Soon we will update the construction panel and the moon models in the 3D Overview and in the galaxy. Moon-phalanx, moon-gate, gravity moon and moon-space station will be highlighted in the galaxy, as are the insectoid entity.

Unified rules for the destruction of all units were made. More details can be found in the description of the ability to "destroy" of any destructive unit, for example the Death Star. Now you can get debris from the moon. More details can be found in the description of the concept of "debris" on the Overview page in the planet's panel.

The gravitational field of each object is introduced. Multi-building of shield domes on space stations was provided.

Shields of the Scourges are increased from 25 to 40. The attack of the Leviathan is increased by 10,000 per shot, and the speed is increased by 60. The acceleration of usurpers is anticipated due to the actual abolition of instant moon destruction.

The speeds of the following units are increased:
Death Star
from 4/5 to 6/8

Supernova star
from 5/6 to 8/10

from 100 to 110

from 15 to 20, the period between attacks is increased by 50%, the period of the volley of the special attack "acid spores" is reduced by 50%.

The cost of a nuclear missile is increased 5 times.

The fuel costs of the Mutalisks are increased from 6 to 8.

Fuel consumption of Stealth is increased from 6 to 7.

Tribunal was cut. New formula for the radius (in ckm) of tribunal's activity is 1000 * level instead of level * 10 000 + 1000
Тема: New lunar buildings | 3 Января 2018 15:27:07
Сообщение #355
On the moon, the new buildings are available: Space Station and Gravity Gun.

Also the new rules for lunar buildings are introduced:

Lunar base -> Space Station -> Gravity Gun
Lunar base -> Space Station -> Phalanx
Lunar base -> Gate

On each moon, you can choose only one branch of development. Destroy buildings: Space Station, Gravity Gun, Phalanx or Gate are impossible.
Тема: Xcraft congratulates everyone on the upcoming 2018 year | 31 Декабря 2017 23:53:29
Сообщение #354
The administration congratulates all participants of the Xcraft project with the upcoming 2018 and reports on the continuation of the doubling of production during the holidays.

Best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year filled with Peace and Happiness!

Wherever you are and whatever you celebrate in the coming weeks, we hope your holidays are filled with peace, prosperity, and love. Happy holidays!
Тема: The confrontation between Santa Claus and Father Frost | 31 Декабря 2017 23:45:02
Сообщение #353
The New Year event Mission 2018: Conquest of Santa Claus and Father Frost starts!
The end of the event  January 7, 2018, 18:00 server time
Receiving gifts: after the end of the event, up to January 14, 2018, 18:00 server time

After the start of the event you can join the side on the quest page:

The description of the event

For centuries, there is a struggle between the insidious henchmen of Santa Claus and warriors of light of Father Frost for the planet SnowGirls' Heaven [20:1:8]. Click  whose side are you on, and then you will get Christmas Tree that will symbolize your support.

This year's vicious pirates have kidnapped all the conifer cones (pineal charges) of Santa Claus and Father Frost and now they could not charge Christmas Tree. Your task is to find the pirates holding the coordinates in the galaxy and destroy their fleet, and for one to pick up the conifer cones, which are do not belong to them. For each point of battle experience from the downed pirate’s ships of you get 1 conifer cone.


Please note that each side has "modifier" which is a factor of your cones when summing up. For example, if you got hold in the end of the contest N cones modifier M, then the final number of gifts for you is N * M. "Modifier" is changed dynamically depending on the number of players who selected the opposite direction. More players per side - lesser a modifier.

Side mission:

You have to fight with each of the pirates in the list, destroying their fleet by at least 15 points of battle experience. If successful, you will receive 100 bonus conifer cones. This task can be repeated any number of times.

Top 25 players

The confrontation between Santa Claus and Father FrostThe confrontation between Santa Claus and Father FrostEach side has 3 tables of Top 25 players who distinguished themselves most obstinately helping their side, so they will be awarded with medals which further increase production of resources by 10% within 30 days.

Conversion of tables and statistics of the sides (including the number of total conifer cones) occurs every 5 minutes.

Receiving of gifts

Exchange "rate" of conifer cones on gifts will be announced later on the awards page:
Тема: Increase the base percentage of fleet repair | 28 Декабря 2017 08:16:29
Сообщение #352
1) The base percentage of fleet repair has been increased from 18% to 20%
And also we added the description and your personal repair percentage by clicking on the help button in the fleet repair block:

Here you can see the following functional:

2) Instant repair of units in a double size

Naturally it will be for the Hydarian crystals. It is possible only if you are repair the entire queue. For example, there are 100 solar satellites in the queue. With the usual recovery, you get to your planet instantly these 100 satellites, but when you click on the recovery in a double size - 200 solar satellites.

The price is calculated depending on the cost of Hydarian crystal from the fleet buyer, for 100 additional solar satellites.

3) Filtering on the types of objects in the Empire

In the Empire, it was possible to disable columns with objects of certain types, simply by clicking on the types of objects that you do not want to see in the table:

Thus, for example, you can quickly see which asteroids are overflowing resources or on which planet there is not enough energy.

4) Sending form settings for fleets

On the form of sending fleets appeared button Settings:

Which allows you to customize the display of the list of fleets (tiles or tables), as well as remove from the list the fleets of foreign race (with some exceptions, for example - flagships).
In the tabular form of the list of fleets, additional columns with information about the capacity of the unit, its speed, and fuel costs are displayed. If there is not enough space on the screen, adaptivity will turn on and the additional columns will disappear. Those, the table is optimized for smartphones.

5) Pre-announcement last year's event

Event Confrontation of Santa Claus and Father Frostreturns!
More will be announced separately, on Friday.
However, holding the event for two consecutive years has significantly weakened the pirate population, so this year the number of pirates will not be changed.
And this means that we are waiting for even more competition!
Тема: Concentration is improved | 18 Декабря 2017 23:33:59
Сообщение #351
Xcraft project with the combat system version 1 was released In 2009, a little bit later  combat system 2 was appeared. Battle systems 1 and 2 were "stacked". This means that a group of units of the same type was actually considered as one large unit of this type and when the group got damage for the amount of armor of 1 ship in the group, 1 unit died.
For example, one cruiser has an armor of 2500, and a group of 100 cruisers has a total armor of 250,000. When a group of damage is received in 2500 by one or more firing, 1 cruiser dies, 99 cruisers remain in the group.

In 2011, the battle system version 3 was presented, where the stack system was replaced by a system in which the armor of each unit in the group was calculated separately, and any unit  died because the shots seldom occurred on the same unit.
For example, one cruiser has an armor of 2500, and a group of 100 cruisers has a total armor of 250,000. When a group receives the damage 2500 by one shot, the probability of death of 1 cruiser is 1 to 100 (rarely both shots fall into the same cruiser).

To balance this, a "concentration" was introduced. This is when the enemy tries to attack the weakest unit in the group to inflict at least some damage. Until today concentration worked in combat system 4 partially, but now we introduce it for all units as a basic rule.

From now on, attacking a group of units of the same type, attacking forces try to focus the shots on the same units in order to destroy the maximum number of enemy units.
The concentration is 75%.

For example, without concentration, if 10 000 battleships attack 10 000 needle trees with equal technology, the losses of battleships are equal to 0 with complete destruction of trees.
With the concentration introduced today, the loss of battleships will be 8000-9000 of battle experience (up to 500 pieces).

Innovation is necessary to counter the strategy of "rollers" from units of the same type which were almost immortal without concentration. Now there will be more motivation to select and combine fleets.

The speed of the shots of the Spore Colonies is doubled.