Сообщения пользователя: Victoria
Тема: Neue Effekte |
21 Ноября 2018 14:53:33
Сообщение #449
Wir haben einen neuen Stil/eine neue Farbe des Strahls der Schwerkraftkanone sowie einige andere Effekte hinzugefügt.
Neue Strahlarten
Auswirkung des Treffens des Planeten/der Station
Wenn die Struktur des Objekts auf 3% abnimmt, sind die Fehler auf dem Planeten/der Station sichtbar
Wir haben einige Planeten in 4k-Qualität hinzugefügt.
Neue Strahlarten
Auswirkung des Treffens des Planeten/der Station
Wenn die Struktur des Objekts auf 3% abnimmt, sind die Fehler auf dem Planeten/der Station sichtbar
Wir haben einige Planeten in 4k-Qualität hinzugefügt.
Тема: New effects |
21 Ноября 2018 14:46:38
Сообщение #448
We have added a new style/color of the gravity gun's beam, as well as we have added the effect of hitting to some stations.
New beam styles
Effect of hitting the planet/station
If the structure of the object decreases to the level of 3%, the faults will be visible on the planet / station
We have added some planets in 4k quality.
New beam styles
Effect of hitting the planet/station
If the structure of the object decreases to the level of 3%, the faults will be visible on the planet / station
We have added some planets in 4k quality.
Тема: Demokratie in Allianzen |
16 Ноября 2018 15:00:56
Сообщение #447
In geheimer Abstimmung kann jedes Mitglied der Allianz bestimmen, wie viel Prozent der Gewinne der Allianz kollektiv sein werden.
Alles kann weggenommen und auf der Seite für die Einstellung des Prozentsatzes des kollektiven Gewinns aufgeteilt werden.
Der endgültige Prozentsatz wird auf der Grundlage der Einstellungen aller Mitglieder der Allianz berechnet.
Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage haben wir den Abfallanteil der Flotte von 20% auf 25% erhöht.
Wenn das Objekt zerstört wird, explodiert alles, was sich in seiner Nähe befindet. Wenn das Objekt eine Sonne oder ein Planet ist, explodiert alles.
In der 3D-Übersicht können Sie jetzt OHNE SPYAGING alle gegnerischen Flotten auf allen Objekten mit aktuellen Koordinaten sehen.
Mit einem Objekt auf den Koordinaten können Sie mit einer Kamera fliegen und die Flotten beobachten, wo sie stehen, einschließlich der feindlichen und der verbündeten Flotten.
Tonwarnungen über Angriffe sind jetzt kostenlos, Push-Benachrichtigungen werden in Kürze abgeschlossen.
Die Unterstützung von Raumstationseinheiten wurde geleistet, und neue Xerden-Feuerwachen mit 5.000.000 werden auf diese Weise fertiggestellt.
Technisch kann jede Raumstation jetzt eine Funktion der insektoiden Entität haben.
Alles kann weggenommen und auf der Seite für die Einstellung des Prozentsatzes des kollektiven Gewinns aufgeteilt werden.
Der endgültige Prozentsatz wird auf der Grundlage der Einstellungen aller Mitglieder der Allianz berechnet.
Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage haben wir den Abfallanteil der Flotte von 20% auf 25% erhöht.
Wenn das Objekt zerstört wird, explodiert alles, was sich in seiner Nähe befindet. Wenn das Objekt eine Sonne oder ein Planet ist, explodiert alles.
In der 3D-Übersicht können Sie jetzt OHNE SPYAGING alle gegnerischen Flotten auf allen Objekten mit aktuellen Koordinaten sehen.
Mit einem Objekt auf den Koordinaten können Sie mit einer Kamera fliegen und die Flotten beobachten, wo sie stehen, einschließlich der feindlichen und der verbündeten Flotten.
Tonwarnungen über Angriffe sind jetzt kostenlos, Push-Benachrichtigungen werden in Kürze abgeschlossen.
Die Unterstützung von Raumstationseinheiten wurde geleistet, und neue Xerden-Feuerwachen mit 5.000.000 werden auf diese Weise fertiggestellt.
Technisch kann jede Raumstation jetzt eine Funktion der insektoiden Entität haben.
Тема: Democracy in alliances |
16 Ноября 2018 14:52:57
Сообщение #446
By secret ballot, each member of the alliance can determine what percentage of the profit of the alliance will be collective. Everything can be taken away and divided on the page for setting the percentage of collective profit.
The final percentage will be median calculated on the basis of the attitudes of all members of the alliance.
By popular demand, we have increased the percentage of debris falling from the fleet, from 20% to 25%.
When the object is destroyed, everything, which is close to it, explodes. If the object is a sun or a planet, then everything explodes.
Now, in the 3D overview, you can see all enemy fleets on all objects of current coordinates WITHOUT SPYAGING.
Having an object on the coordinates, you can fly with a camera and watch the fleets, where they stand, including enemy fleets and allied ones.
Sound alerts about attacks have become free, push notifications are being completed soon.
Space station-entity support has been made and new xerj fire stations with 5,000,000 will be completed this way.
Technically, any space station can now have a functional of insectoid entity.
The final percentage will be median calculated on the basis of the attitudes of all members of the alliance.
By popular demand, we have increased the percentage of debris falling from the fleet, from 20% to 25%.
When the object is destroyed, everything, which is close to it, explodes. If the object is a sun or a planet, then everything explodes.
Now, in the 3D overview, you can see all enemy fleets on all objects of current coordinates WITHOUT SPYAGING.
Having an object on the coordinates, you can fly with a camera and watch the fleets, where they stand, including enemy fleets and allied ones.
Sound alerts about attacks have become free, push notifications are being completed soon.
Space station-entity support has been made and new xerj fire stations with 5,000,000 will be completed this way.
Technically, any space station can now have a functional of insectoid entity.
Тема: Tempel von Relikten wurden freigelassen |
8 Ноября 2018 20:24:53
Сообщение #444
Tempel von Relikten wurden freigelassen Planetarische Relikttempel, die ursprünglich von Piraten erbeutet wurden, befinden sich bereits im Projekt.
Die Besitzer von Tempeln können Trampoline für die Schwerkraft bauen. Anstelle alter planetarischer Piratenstationen wurden Tempel hinzugefügt. Alte PPS bleibt so wie sie sind. An Tempeln darf man Verteidigungsanlagen bauen.
Von nun an verdreifachten die Vikinger auf Asteroiden sowie auf den Planeten den Angriff. Vikinger und Hydralisken, die auf dem Objekt zerstört werden, geben keine Trümmer.
Hydralisken verbesserten sich um das 10-fache, Schilde um das 13-fache. Ihr Preis ist um das 10-fache gestiegen.
Es wurde für die Strategie der Erfassung von Asteroiden und OPS durch Xerden mit sofortiger Lieferung von Hydralisken entwickelt.
Die Besitzer von Tempeln können Trampoline für die Schwerkraft bauen. Anstelle alter planetarischer Piratenstationen wurden Tempel hinzugefügt. Alte PPS bleibt so wie sie sind. An Tempeln darf man Verteidigungsanlagen bauen.
Von nun an verdreifachten die Vikinger auf Asteroiden sowie auf den Planeten den Angriff. Vikinger und Hydralisken, die auf dem Objekt zerstört werden, geben keine Trümmer.
Hydralisken verbesserten sich um das 10-fache, Schilde um das 13-fache. Ihr Preis ist um das 10-fache gestiegen.
Es wurde für die Strategie der Erfassung von Asteroiden und OPS durch Xerden mit sofortiger Lieferung von Hydralisken entwickelt.
Тема: Temples of relicts were released |
8 Ноября 2018 20:19:08
Сообщение #443
Planetary Temples of Relicts originally captured by pirates are already in the project.
The owners of temples can build gravity trampolines. Temples have been added instead of old planetary pirate stations. Old PPS will remain as they are. On temples it is allowed to build defenses.
From now on, the viking on asteroids tripled attack as well as on the planets. Vikings and hydralisks being destroyed on the object do not give debris.
Hydralisks improved 10 times, shields improved 13 times. Their price has increased 10 times.
It was made for the strategy of capturing asteroids and OPS by xerjs with instant delivery of hydralisks there.
The owners of temples can build gravity trampolines. Temples have been added instead of old planetary pirate stations. Old PPS will remain as they are. On temples it is allowed to build defenses.
From now on, the viking on asteroids tripled attack as well as on the planets. Vikings and hydralisks being destroyed on the object do not give debris.
Hydralisks improved 10 times, shields improved 13 times. Their price has increased 10 times.
It was made for the strategy of capturing asteroids and OPS by xerjs with instant delivery of hydralisks there.
Тема: Reform der Hydralisken |
6 Ноября 2018 15:32:01
Сообщение #442
Reform der Hydralisken:
- Aufteilung der Hydralisken in 10 und auf das größere gerundet;
- Erhöhung der Kosten um das 10-fache;
- Beschleunigung des Aufbaus der Verteidigung gegen Hydralisken;
- Reparatur von Vikinger und Hydralisken an Asteroiden.
- Aufteilung der Hydralisken in 10 und auf das größere gerundet;
- Erhöhung der Kosten um das 10-fache;
- Beschleunigung des Aufbaus der Verteidigung gegen Hydralisken;
- Reparatur von Vikinger und Hydralisken an Asteroiden.
Тема: Reform of hydralisks |
6 Ноября 2018 15:30:30
Сообщение #441
Reform of hydralisks:
- Division of hydralisks into 10 and rounded to the larger;
- Increase in cost by 10 times;
- Acceleration of the construction of defence against hydralisks;
- Repairing of vikings and hydralisks on asteroids.
- Division of hydralisks into 10 and rounded to the larger;
- Increase in cost by 10 times;
- Acceleration of the construction of defence against hydralisks;
- Repairing of vikings and hydralisks on asteroids.
Тема: The number of OPS was increased dramatically |
29 Октября 2018 16:55:05
Сообщение #440
Dear players, who were sad after debris reduction, for you we have increased the number of OPS hundreds of times. Crush them, collecting debris, capture them and make resources in general.
Increasing the number of OPS to
2000 points: 50 objects
20,000 points: 20 objects
100,000 points: 10 objects
500,000 points: 5 objects
1,000,000 points: 3 objects
5,000,000 points: 1 object
This is for 1 pirate, there are 18 of them.
Total 267 OPS.
Also free icons and statuses were removed. At the same time, the signature on the forum will no longer be displayed, but it will be in the profile, under the avatar, where previously the status was. The forum will be cleaner.
Prestige badges now give + 1% of production of all resources at all objects.
Increasing the number of OPS to
2000 points: 50 objects
20,000 points: 20 objects
100,000 points: 10 objects
500,000 points: 5 objects
1,000,000 points: 3 objects
5,000,000 points: 1 object
This is for 1 pirate, there are 18 of them.
Total 267 OPS.
Also free icons and statuses were removed. At the same time, the signature on the forum will no longer be displayed, but it will be in the profile, under the avatar, where previously the status was. The forum will be cleaner.
Prestige badges now give + 1% of production of all resources at all objects.
Тема: New insignia of the profile |
27 Октября 2018 18:21:43
Сообщение #439
The project has a way to emphasize the individuality of the participant with the help of unique badges, which are only about a few hundred for 40,000 players. You can specify your character, game goals or temperament using the badge.
You can select a personal badge in the project Options.
One badge cannot belong more than to one player! All badges are unique.
You can select a personal badge in the project Options.
One badge cannot belong more than to one player! All badges are unique.
Тема: x2 Crazy or October bonus production |
26 Октября 2018 16:39:41
Сообщение #438
Since the last x2 Crazy in June we were asking to repeat it. And now we are glad to inform you about the start of October bonus production x2 till the end of the month for small HC.
x2 Crazy is already activated
Enjoy your production.
x2 Crazy is already activated
Enjoy your production.
Тема: Nuclear missiles got the ability to explode at all satellites |
25 Октября 2018 16:07:54
Сообщение #437
In the light of world events, we decided to improve xcraft arms race by allowing nuclear missiles to shoot at asteroids and satellites: moons, space stations, entities, comets, etc.
In addition to the usual destruction a nuclear missile will cause 1,000,000 of damage to the structure of the object.
We are planning to launch an orbital pirate station with an entity, a space station and a nuclear silo on board.
Advertising. We need a volunteer who will allow for this nice thing to send 1 nuclear missile on any of his satellite from the station MU-MU. Or find us some offender of the rules of the project: we will test it on him. Destruction will not be compensated, but it is desirable to test the rocket.
In addition to the usual destruction a nuclear missile will cause 1,000,000 of damage to the structure of the object.
We are planning to launch an orbital pirate station with an entity, a space station and a nuclear silo on board.
Advertising. We need a volunteer who will allow for this nice thing to send 1 nuclear missile on any of his satellite from the station MU-MU. Or find us some offender of the rules of the project: we will test it on him. Destruction will not be compensated, but it is desirable to test the rocket.
Тема: Cancelation of Colonization Technology for OPS and defense on them |
24 Октября 2018 15:53:42
Сообщение #436
OPS no longer require a colonization technology slot, they are allowed to build a defense, as well as on the PS.
From now on, one can build domes on the OPS regardless of the race of the owner.
OPS is the Orbital Pirate Station. Players can intercept it from each other. In the very beginning the owner of the OPS is a pirate.
PS is a planetary pirate station, which is being reformed now.
From now on, one can build domes on the OPS regardless of the race of the owner.
OPS is the Orbital Pirate Station. Players can intercept it from each other. In the very beginning the owner of the OPS is a pirate.
PS is a planetary pirate station, which is being reformed now.
Тема: New pirates and new units to their fleets at the coordinates have been |
20 Октября 2018 21:13:20
Сообщение #435
To increase the pleasure of the players, 6 new pirates and new units that may appear on the coordinates have been added.
The mechanics of capturing the Arbiter are discussed if he gets on the coordinates of toss pirates.
The "Interstellar Lottery Agents" mission has been expanded, now you need to kill 18 pirates, not 12, in order to get a SW.
Gravity gun sight was changed. More detailed information about how to direct sight will be added soon, but for now you can set the delta of the station coordinates and the beam at a distance of 1000 km.
In the taxes of the alliance, the heads of alliances can see separately allocated tribute and taxes for the current period and separately - previous accumulation.
Fleet debris reduced from 25% to 20%.
An explanation follows. Before the introducing of repair, recurrent debris from participants of the battle were approximately 22% (30% debris minus gas).
With the introducing of repair, recurrent debris become 47%. First, we reduced debris from 30% to 25%, i.e. total debris become about 43%, now reduced to 20% and total recurrent debris has become 40%. It is still almost 2 times more than the classic 22%.
The mechanics of capturing the Arbiter are discussed if he gets on the coordinates of toss pirates.
The "Interstellar Lottery Agents" mission has been expanded, now you need to kill 18 pirates, not 12, in order to get a SW.
Gravity gun sight was changed. More detailed information about how to direct sight will be added soon, but for now you can set the delta of the station coordinates and the beam at a distance of 1000 km.
In the taxes of the alliance, the heads of alliances can see separately allocated tribute and taxes for the current period and separately - previous accumulation.
Fleet debris reduced from 25% to 20%.
An explanation follows. Before the introducing of repair, recurrent debris from participants of the battle were approximately 22% (30% debris minus gas).
With the introducing of repair, recurrent debris become 47%. First, we reduced debris from 30% to 25%, i.e. total debris become about 43%, now reduced to 20% and total recurrent debris has become 40%. It is still almost 2 times more than the classic 22%.
Тема: Структура сущности |
19 Октября 2018 15:02:18
Сообщение #434
Quote: DonZ
(Аналогичный с полями на планете был сделан)
Это показывается только вам.
Владельцы Мантрида явно будут против.
Тема: Announcement of introduction of 18 new OPS |
17 Октября 2018 08:59:46
Сообщение #433
Dear participants of the project, I am pleased to announce the launch of 18 new orbital pirate stations with special abilities to replace old planetary pirate stations.
This announcement is needed so that not all the abilities are distributed yet, you can give us ideas on them using the example of the abilities of the humans stations, which I will write. Such stations will not be built by players, only captured from pirates. Stations will go in order from the weakest points of the pirates to the strongest. I apologize to newbies for whom it may not be clear what I am writing and who do not know the abilities of all stations. Here are the gradations of points and abilities that the station receives from the buildings on it:
Humans, previously abilities were presented to the SC:
Space station
20 000
Space Station
100 000
Space Station
500 000
Space Station
Gravity Gun
1 000 000
Space Station
Gravity Gun
5 000 000
Space Station
Gravity Gun
Approximate alignment of xerjs pirates, who later will get the skills of Dunkleosteus:
20 000
100 000
500 000
1 000 000
Space Station
5 000 000
Space Station
We have no such layout for tosses, but we can put any buildings on the same principle or to change all that is already placed. All abilities will work at all stations, and buildings are available for upgrade.
Please express your ideas on the layout of abilities. The remaining parameters of the stations will be almost the same as those of the old planetary pirate stations (PS). We hope the Balance Editor will help with their balance, if he was not offended for the ban of his three game accounts.
It is desirable to add abilities on one station from the smallest to the largest. All stations will become orbital, i.e. they will not occupy a Colonization Technology slot and the number of captured ones will not be limited. Possession, disposal and other of stations will be completely free, and players for example who cannot get Super Space Station will be able to capture the Orbital Pirate Station of pirate with million points with abilities of Super Space Station on it.
I ask you to discuss only stations in this topic; all other discussions about Balance Editor, cuts and bad administration are conducted in neighboring topics.
Attention! At the request of Balance Editor the construction and dismantling of any buildings at the Orbital Pirate Stations will be blocked.
This announcement is needed so that not all the abilities are distributed yet, you can give us ideas on them using the example of the abilities of the humans stations, which I will write. Such stations will not be built by players, only captured from pirates. Stations will go in order from the weakest points of the pirates to the strongest. I apologize to newbies for whom it may not be clear what I am writing and who do not know the abilities of all stations. Here are the gradations of points and abilities that the station receives from the buildings on it:
Humans, previously abilities were presented to the SC:
Space station
20 000
Space Station
100 000
Space Station
500 000
Space Station
Gravity Gun
1 000 000
Space Station
Gravity Gun
5 000 000
Space Station
Gravity Gun
Approximate alignment of xerjs pirates, who later will get the skills of Dunkleosteus:
20 000
100 000
500 000
1 000 000
Space Station
5 000 000
Space Station
We have no such layout for tosses, but we can put any buildings on the same principle or to change all that is already placed. All abilities will work at all stations, and buildings are available for upgrade.
Please express your ideas on the layout of abilities. The remaining parameters of the stations will be almost the same as those of the old planetary pirate stations (PS). We hope the Balance Editor will help with their balance, if he was not offended for the ban of his three game accounts.
It is desirable to add abilities on one station from the smallest to the largest. All stations will become orbital, i.e. they will not occupy a Colonization Technology slot and the number of captured ones will not be limited. Possession, disposal and other of stations will be completely free, and players for example who cannot get Super Space Station will be able to capture the Orbital Pirate Station of pirate with million points with abilities of Super Space Station on it.
I ask you to discuss only stations in this topic; all other discussions about Balance Editor, cuts and bad administration are conducted in neighboring topics.
Attention! At the request of Balance Editor the construction and dismantling of any buildings at the Orbital Pirate Stations will be blocked.
Тема: Fortification is made equal on all objects |
12 Октября 2018 16:42:50
Сообщение #432
Previously, fortification technology protected satellite objects only by 20%, and now it protects as well as on planets by 100%.
We introduced local coordinates and megaorbit (multiorbit).
Local coordinates are the coordinates of objects near the planet, in Overview. The player sees them on the options page of his objects, and the enemies can be seen in the spy report, next to the structure.
Multiorbit is space around planets or asteroids. Teleporting satellites or entities are landing there. Previously, they could land only in one orbit, and now they can land in the entire sphere around the planet. That is, on the side or on top of the planet, they can land too.
The size of the orbit is set as 9000 - 10 000 km from the surface of the planet. The void and solar coordinates have an orbit of 5,000 - 10,000 from the center of the void.
Stations or entities now can land at a random orbital location and may collide according to the usual rules of collision with other stations. We made the numbers so that the collision with the planet was excluded, in this connection it was necessary to reduce the diameter of some very large objects.
The BS5 control panel allows you to select fleets and satellites with information about them at this stage. The next step will be the mapping and the ability to select all the fleets near the planet if you have access to an overview of local coordinates. For example, while at the station it will be possible to see in Overview all the fleets on the planet of these coordinates and other satellites. When approaching, a per-units selection is made. We are working on improving the camera.
Clever collision as an entity ability is removed from the game.
Xerj station is preparing for the development.
We introduced local coordinates and megaorbit (multiorbit).
Local coordinates are the coordinates of objects near the planet, in Overview. The player sees them on the options page of his objects, and the enemies can be seen in the spy report, next to the structure.
Multiorbit is space around planets or asteroids. Teleporting satellites or entities are landing there. Previously, they could land only in one orbit, and now they can land in the entire sphere around the planet. That is, on the side or on top of the planet, they can land too.
The size of the orbit is set as 9000 - 10 000 km from the surface of the planet. The void and solar coordinates have an orbit of 5,000 - 10,000 from the center of the void.
Stations or entities now can land at a random orbital location and may collide according to the usual rules of collision with other stations. We made the numbers so that the collision with the planet was excluded, in this connection it was necessary to reduce the diameter of some very large objects.
The BS5 control panel allows you to select fleets and satellites with information about them at this stage. The next step will be the mapping and the ability to select all the fleets near the planet if you have access to an overview of local coordinates. For example, while at the station it will be possible to see in Overview all the fleets on the planet of these coordinates and other satellites. When approaching, a per-units selection is made. We are working on improving the camera.
Clever collision as an entity ability is removed from the game.
Xerj station is preparing for the development.
Тема: Банан соала |
3 Октября 2018 10:31:30
Сообщение #431
Quote: vedma333
тому кто беспричинно забанен.
Беспричинно никого не банят, блокируется аккаунт только при наличии фактических данных о нарушении правил.
Тема: Банан соала |
3 Октября 2018 10:23:24
Сообщение #430
Quote: sasha123
на данный момент ничего нет и не будет!!так как пруф ситинга нету!!
Доказательства точно есть, но по понятным причинам не могут быть озвучены.